HIV infection and criminal cases. An analysis of the legal situation.
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Questions concerning criminal liability in connection with HIV infection arise for the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden as a result of the provisions contained in the Swedish Communicable Diseases Act. This is an abridged version in English of the Swedish report Hivsmitta och brottmål : en analys av rättsläget
Questions concerning criminal liability in connection with HIV infection arise for the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden (Socialstyrelsen) as a result of the provisions contained in the Swedish Communicable Diseases Act on the duties of doctors and communicable disease control physicians providing treatment when there is good reason to suppose that a person carrying a dangerous illness is not following the rules of conduct laid down for him/her. Questions also need to be answered in relation to the rules on confidentiality under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act which apply within health and medical care. This is a brief report on how Swedish criminal law governs acts which involve transmission of HIV infection through sexual intercourse or which entail a risk of such transmission.
- Författare:
- Madeleine Leijonhufvud
- Utgiven av:
- Socialstyrelsen
- År:
- 2009
- Typ av publikation:
- Artikel
- Språk:
- Engelska
- Filstorlek:
- 132 kB
- Länk:
- Abridged version in English of the Swedish report Hivsmitta och brottmål – en analys av rättsläget.
Senast uppdaterad: 2009-11-27 Sidansvarig: Redaktionen